Filey’s Windmill Recreating an iconic building
For    historic    reasons    Filey’s    windmill    is    named    Muston    Mill    and    is located   on   the   outskirts   of   the   town,   a   traditional   family   resort   on   the beautiful   North   Yorkshire   coast.   The      town   is   set   in   a   sweeping   bay with   several   miles   of   fine   sandy   beaches   flanked   to   the   north   by   the
headland   Carr   Naze   and   Filey   Brigg   and   to   the   south   by   the   massive chalk   cliffs   of   Bempton   and   Flamborough   Head.   The   mill   stands   at   the highest   point   of   the   watershed   which   curves   round   the   town   from   the south west to the north east and it looks directly out to sea.
Emperor's Bath behind Filey Brigg View from the mill - Bempton Cliffs and Flamborough Head
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Filey Bay and Sands
Muston Mill 1904
In    the    pages    that    follow    we    have    set    down    as    much    historical information   as   we   have   been   able   to   discover   about   the   site   and   the windmills    that    have    stood    there    since    written    records    became available.   If   you   are   interested   we   invite   you   to   share   our   journey   here as   we   progress   with   rebuilding   the   derelict   mill   after   saving   it   from collapse   at   the   eleventh   hour.   We’ve   had   hard   decisions   to   take   and
many      obstacles   to   overcome   but   our   reward   will   come   when   this iconic   building   stands   proudly   once   again   on   the   high   ground   above the    town.      We    believe    we    are    attempting    to    achieve    something worthwhile    enabling    future    generations    to    enjoy    a    similar    visual experience   to   that   shown   by   the   picture   postcard   above   printed   in 1904.
The   windmill   stands   in   isolation   surrounded   by   two   acres   of   pasture and   is   separated   from   the   farm   it   originally   formed   part   of   by   the cutting   created   for   the   A1039   main   road   out   of   the   town   to   the   south in   the   1950’s.   It   is   the   most   recent   of   a   long   line   of   windmills   of different   types   which   have   occupied   the   site;   the   first   being   recorded
in   the   14th   century.   The   field   is   the   last   undeveloped   area   of   what was   formerly   common   land   and   which   was   'enclosed'   using   the Inclosure   Acts   passed   by   Parliament   in   the   17th,   18th   and   19th centuries subsequently becoming known as Mill Closes.
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Filey’s Windmill - it’s Location and Setting
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Winter view from the top floor of the mill Carr Naze headland to the North of the bay